If the Player presses the ‘Ctrl’ key when in game, the Character will crouch. When crouched, walking speed is reduced, and the Character also cannot jump (might be changed) nor sprint.
A separate Crouched BlendSpace is used for the Movement Animations of the Character when crouched.
When the Character is in either the Armed-OneHanded or Armed-TwoHanded mode, it’s Idle Animation is Blended with the Crouched BlendSpace i.e the Idle Animation will play above the Pelvis, while the Crouched BlendSpace will play below the Pelvis.
![CrouchedLayeredBlendPerBone.png](CrouchedLayeredBlendPerBone.jp g)
For now, there is only one Attack Animation for the Character. I will add more when I can find them in Mixamo or when I make them myself in Blender (Which I hope to do soon).
You can view the code of the project here!
While Unarmed
While Armed with a One-Handed Weapon
While Armed with a Two-Handed Weapon (Bug: Character rises above the ground. Will be patched soon.)